Posted: August 29, 2021


Greetings to HolyWave members and leaders in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We are writing to update you on our HolyWave (HW) Lead Pastor selection process.  

As you know, the first round of the search was closed without any selection. Based on some suggestions and lessons learned from the first round, we have decided to change the make-up of HW Lead Pastor Selection Committee as follows:   

There will be seven Selection Committee members. The committee will include our Senior Pastor (Pastor Ro), one KM Elder, one HW Elder, one HW Ordained Deacon, one older-married Oikos Leader, one younger-married Oikos Leader, and one NEXT Leader.

Elder Park, the Session Secretary Elder, will represent the KM Elders. Elder Andy, who was randomly selected from among the three active HW Elders, will represent the HW Elders.

To select the rest of the committee members, each of the groups mentioned above will nominate three representatives from their respective group. The criteria for nomination should include maturity, availability, and a heart for working together toward a unified vision. These nominees will be reviewed by the Senior Pastor, and from each group one person will be randomly chosen to represent their group as a member of the new Search Committee. 

The Lead Pastor Selection Committee will convene once all Search Committee members are finalized. After due process, the committee will nominate their final Lead Pastor candidate to the Session. The Session will deliberate and make the final decision on the proposed candidate.

Our hope is that this letter will clarify any questions you may have regarding our HW Lead Pastor selection process. If you have any concerns or additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of our HW Elders. We promise to do our best to answer your questions and concerns honestly and promptly.  

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support in this matter.  We humbly ask for your prayers so that through this process, God will confirm whomever He desires as the next HW Lead Pastor. We pray that God will use HW to spread the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ from here to the ends of the earth.

HolyWave Elders